Ending Gun Violence

Activism at Wilton Quaker Meeting

Friend Peter Murchison is an outspoken advocate for gun violence prevention, has an article in Friends Journal, a QuakerSpeak video, action with FCNL and Quaker Meetings and other organizations around the nation promoting an end to gun violence. Peter is a member and clerk of Wilton Quaker Meeting and he engages in this important work in honor of his nephew, Daniel Barden - one of the children who lost their lives in the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting. 

Wear Orange!  Wilton Quakers for National Gun Violence Prevention weekend yesterday 6/9/2024.  Gun violence is so common in America we sometimes don't realize there are over 40,000 killed a year and that as of last year guns are the leading cause of death for kids (surpassing the automobile.). 

If you work for peace, remember this terrible "local war" needs your action too!  Know it! Fix it! Vote!